Explore more about us​

Living in the city, we never have enough time to do all the things we want to do. WagadMart can change the way you Buy or Sell things, how you shop and lets you access your city like never before. We’re an Site that connects you to the nearest delivery partner who can make purchases, pick up items from any store or restaurant in the city and bring them to you. It’s never easy to make purchases or drop off packages when you get busy with work, get stuck in traffic, or you might even end up forgetting about it completely. WagadMart is owned and operated by Mr. Lovesh Pandya is respected in the business world as an astute investor in the Indian equity market, he has built a company that constantly strives towards developing a deep understanding of customer needs and satisfying them with the right products. A firm believer in core business fundamentals and strong ethical values, Mr. Lovesh has built WagadMart into an efficient, large and profitable retail chain that is highly respected by customers, partners and employees alike.​


Raghav Sharma


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Kiara Smith



Lovesh Pandya


Jasmine Rose

Marketing manager

Boyezk Riadd

Operations manager